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CEO Greeting

Welcome to your visiting to,
Daewoo Generator Home page.

We have consistently made efforts to develop ECO friendly generator sets with the resolution that we should lead to carry out global environmental protection since much earlier .

Particularly, through renewable energy generator development , we are contributing to solve many energy related bottlenecks problems in the world.

Daewoo have challenged to pioneer a overseas market since company foundation and its capability has been proved with big leap and loved in overseas market rather than domestics..

Moreover, in the year of 2015, made strategic partnership contract with Dallah group in Saudi Arabia enable us to provide better competitive service to overseas customers including sales and maintenance.

With a accumulated technology and experience, we surely promise you that we will serve the perfect quality service for continuous customer satisfaction .

As your right power partner, we are asking you to show your constant interest and encouragement to Daewoo generator .

Thank you very much
CEO of Daewoo generator GEN Power Co.Ltd